Two years ago on February 4, 2019, launched. Celebrate with us! Request your own LNF gift here:
When the site first launched, it featured information on the Resources and Career Pathways pages as well as pictures of nurse educators and students from our two partner universities, Salisbury University and University of Maryland Schools of Nursing.
Since then, we updated and expanded the information on the site in addition to launching the Career Portal! We are proud to feature many more educators and students in photos and videos throughout the site, from nursing programs and healthcare organizations all over Maryland, including:
Salisbury University School of Nursing
University of Maryland School of Nursing
TidalHealth Peninsula Regional
Chesapeake College
University of Maryland Shore Regional Health
Montgomery College
University of Maryland, Shady Grove
Allegany College of Maryland
UPMC Western Maryland
We want to tell even more educators' stories in 2021. Would you like to share your story with us? Email us below!
This project is only made possible by the support and funding of MHEC NSP II. We are grateful to all of our LNF team members at Salisbury University School of Nursing, University of Maryland School of Nursing, Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative (ESRGC), and Pinnacle for their continued work on this website! We also appreciate the excellent feedback from our Review Panel as we develop new features.
Do you have ideas for how we can improve the site before our third birthday? Your input is valuable to us, so please let us know.
Thank you to the entire LeadNursingForward community who visit the site! Stay tuned for more coming site updates on our new Trending Now page or on any of our social media platforms.