The National League for Nursing has declared 2022 as Year of the Nurse Educator. Both 2020 and 2021 were celebrated as the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, and the NLN reminds us:
Behind great nurses are great educators.
For the twentieth year in a row, nurses have been lauded as the most trusted profession and this year, we want to recognize the dedication and commitment of the educators preparing these trusted professionals every day.
How can you celebrate the Year of the Nurse educator? On the NLN's Year of the Nurse Educator site, you can take the NLN Nurse Educator pledge, download their celebratory badge, and sign up for updates on other ways to participate. Stay tuned as throughout this year, NLN will spotlight the pride that nurse educators experience teaching in a variety of academic and clinical settings.
LeadNursingForward.org will also share stories of educators and what has inspired them in their career. You can check out many Maryland educators' stories already featured on our YouTube channel.
We will keep sharing updates on how we can celebrate and lift up the nurse educators in your life throughout 2022!